- Attainment- 3
My attainment in media is ranging from excellent to good.
- Effort- 3
My effort towards media studies has been 98%, because I have contributed a lot in class.
- Punctuality- 4
I have 99.9% punctuality except for my absences due to having an illness.
- Submission and quality of homework- 3
My work has been submitted 75% of the time the other 255 has not been posted because of technical difficulties.
- Ability to work independently- 3
I would rather work in partnership with others to expand my understanding of some parts of the course.
- Quality of writing- 2
I believe that I need to improve on my writing techniques.
- Organisation of blog- 2
My blog is very organised, and easy to navigate with my contrasting colours to help those with viewing difficulties to have no difficulties on using my blog.
- Oral contributions in class- 1
Throughout my time in media I have contributed more than others due to my knowledge of the subject.
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